Monday, December 1, 2008


I cannot wait for winter break because since has been my first semester in college i have barely had time to myself. so this break will give me a ton of time to myself which is much needed. I never realized that college was going to be so stresseful and filled with so much work as this semester was. next semester i will be in all different classes though which is exciting because i want to venture out a little more and see what i like and how i can handle certain classes. and who knows maybe something i thought i wouldnt like i will turn out to love. we'll just have to wait till january to see how everything turns out. also i can't wait for my friends from highschool to come home for a whole month so i can see them. i know we just had thanksgiving break but it was only a few days now they will be home for a whole month which is a lot longer then five days.

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