Monday, October 20, 2008

People Change

as we grow up you start to realize that everything and everyone around you is changing. sometimes it is a tough though to swollow but after a while of it you begin to get used to these changes around you. you may not like them but you can't pick what you are handed in life just deal with it. I know that it might sound a little mean saying that but its the truth. Everyone is going change and you can't fight them on that you simply just have to let them for their and your sake. The choices you make in life will help you in the long run eventually. When i was little i was a completely differnt person but the more i grow up and see whaqts going on around me i keep changing not to be the same as all the new people i meet but to protect myself from the people and things i don;t want in my life. So when things around you are changing you cant fight them on it you just got to go with whats going on and eventually it will pay off. It might hurt at first but in the end it will be worth the change

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