Monday, October 20, 2008

Picking a Major

Now that your in college there is no turning back you have to know exactly what you want to do in life. so you can take the right requirements to be successful in these jobs that you will have for the rest of your life. Now picking what you want to do with your life is more complicated then you would think it really is. some people just think they will do what they think they are made out to do and half way through that decided that they arent really interesting in that and changed everything that they have been working on which sets them back. If you really think about it you made it this far why are you going to do anything tht is going to set you back anymore. whats the point in that right now i just wnat to get school over with and start with my actual life. Live by myself and earn my own money i know a lot of people that arent like that and think they can live off of their parents money and in their house for the rest of their life but im not one of those people. i cant wait to step out into the real world and do my own thing. I want to have a job that i love and actually dont mind doing and make a good amount of money so i dont have to depend on anyone but myself for that kind of stuff. hopefully by the end of this year though i will know what type of major i want to be in

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